Creating A Sophisticated Boys Polo Shirt.

Sep 28,2016

Polo shirts look so smart and classy on little boys that I couldn’t resist the temptation to create a tutorial for a boy’s polo shirts. The tutorial is easy-to-follow, in-depth guide to create a boy’s shirts. (No promises about the brevity of the content) Scroll down to get started.

Things You Will Need for Boys Polo Shirt:

  • Fabric (of your choice). Cotton and Polyester make great polo shirts.
  • Sewing machine
  • Sewing pins
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors
  • And patience

Let’s Roll

1. The first and the most crucial step is to measure and make the cuts accordingly. To make sure that you make the cuts right, use a polo shirt and make the measurements according to it. But if you do not have an old shirt, no worries, simply make the cuts according to your boy’s measurement.

Boys Polo Shirt Cutting

Boys Polo Shirt Cutting 1


2. After you have made the initial cut. Remove a slice of fabric from both sides of the soon-to-be-a-polo-shirt, as shown in the figure below.

3. Now for the button placket, remove the small rectangle space from the upper part of the fabric as shown in the figure below:

Boys Polo Shirt Cutting 3

Now, the front is all ready to stitch.

Boys Polo Shirt Cutting 4

4. Now let’s create tabs for the button planket.

Boys Polo Shirt Cutting 5

5. Take two rectangular portions of the fabric and cut them with identical dimensions.

Boys Polo Shirt Cutting 6

6. Fold the edges of both the rectangular fabric pieces and sew to finish the edges.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching

The result would look something like the image shown below.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 1

7. Now, attach the flap of the tab to the side of the slit and stitch.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 3

8. Attach both the flaps of the tabs with the slits, as shown.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 2

The result should be something like the figure below.

9. Now, fold the the two flaps over each other so that they unite in the middle of the button opening.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 5

10. Now stitch a box and an X at the bottom of the flaps, as shown in the figure below.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 6

11. Cut 3-4 button slits and add the buttons to the tabs and secure them with a strong stitching.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 7

12. Turn the shirt inside out and fasten the buttons.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 8

13. Now, attach the collar to the neck region.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 9

14. Fold the edges of the collar and stitch.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 10

15. After you are done with the stitching on the collar, you are almost done.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 11

16. Double fold the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt to complete the stitching process.

Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 12


Boys Polo Shirt Stitching 13


Boys Polo T Shirt

And there you go, all done!

Got any queries? Comment away in our comment section. Cheers!